So I've spent abit of time on the new project. Got most of the scene blocked out plus some details and now building up the high poly version using the block out as reference and some bit of it as a base. This way I'm keeping everything to ruffly the right scale and shape just with extra details.
I'm also setting myself some ground rules otherwise I could just go all out crazy with the scene.
No assets larger than 500 polys
No texture larger than 1024x1024
Diffuse, Normals, Specular & Gloss maps allowed.
This is basically the same as the 2nd year module they had last year but they we're only allowed a diffuse for each assets but I wanted to try out Ndo2 and get some more detail while using low ish poly models so I changed the rules alittle.
I'll currently in the process of building up the high poly assets but I was starting to get tired of modelling last night so decided to jump into PS and texture a relitively small asset and trying out Ndo2 for the first time.
This is what I got atm, still needs some touching up but happy so far.
Ignore the poly count (top left), that's the whole scene. This asset is only 350 polys but has a Diffuse, Normals, Specular & Gloss map at 1024x1024
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