Come Out Come Out, Where Ever You Are
Craig Brannon - Casual Connect Fall 2009 (p 36-38)
A clear and crisp art style can help aid users in their recognition of items. Hiding objects in area's that are too dark is a mistake that will aggravate players. Items should be cleverly hidden but no unfairly so.
Placing items with items of similar shape or colour can camouflage the item without hiding to much of the time and still making it see able and recognizable.
Possible hint feature for games that have a limited amount of time or tries to find a object.
Timer modes possible with hidden object games but there should be a choice weither the user wants a timer based game or a relaxed non timer game.
Cut scene's can be used and usually are used in modern games to prgress the sotry forward but must be long enough to tell alittle story but not to long as to bore the player or make them antsy. Adding skip option for cut scene's is a good way to keep players happy.
Gregory Trefry (p 129 - 137)
As games, they generally lack strategic depth. Instead of developing strategy, you find yourself reduced to squinting and cursing as you scan through a morass of illogical objects strewn about the game area.
The rules for a seek-and-find game are even simpler. You can boil them down to one rule: Find all of the listed objects before time runs out.
There can be real joy in this discovery, especially if the object is hard to find. You get the same feeling when you find your misplaced car keys or discover your sunglasses on top of your head after 10 minutes scouring your apartment. But you can’t deny that a lot of people enjoy the feeling.
eventually, the games will evolve to a place where the players can take multiple logical paths to the same conclusion. They will be able to find a flashlight or a book of matches to find the light switch. This introduction of more varied choice will strengthen the gameplay hooks.
This dual processing will offer a more engaging experience. It will also allow the players to feel clever, creating what they believe are their own solutions