"TheGame of life", this game was the first game to let you have a choice where to move after your roll. This is a brand new idea as all previous game's we're a set linear path, where as this game you had multiple options. This game became the first mass market board game.
Games in the start of the 20th centry made lots of connections to diplomatic issues that we're arising at the time, making a link between the two helped players make choices within the game and made them more appealing as there was already a connection before even playing.
The first version of Monopoly was a evolved version of "brear fox" but was based on Atlanta USA not London. The game of monopoly was originally called "The Land Lords Game" which was designed by Elizabeth Maggy Phillips to show how having a monopoly on all the property will bankrupt other people and is not socially or economically viable. The end result of the game was in fact the opposite of what it was originally design to show and instead encouraged to bankrupt other players to win.
Monopoly tapped into the emotion of greed and selfishness. The worship of money and the need for power by all people due to the survival instinct.
A good mix of luck or chance and skill seems to be the running theme for all of the successful board game covers in the series. If some strategy is involved aswell it just adds to the involvement of the players.