So today marks the end of the first week, leaving me a mere 3 weeks & 1 day left of the challenge.
Despite getting a decent start with the block out and not having to adjust scales to much, I still feel behind slightly..somehow. Even though lot of other people are still on blokout stage and I'm almost finished with my full high poly models, I know texturing is going to take me at least 2 weeks, possible the full 3. This doesn't leave me much time to get lighting setup and change stuff to get a awesome render for the 30th.
Need to stop slacking off watching youtube videos or playing SC2.
Ah well, high poly assets at around 70% - 80% complete and all the mesh's are clean & ready for unwrapping. Hopefully won't take me to long to finish the last of them sometime today / tonight.
Heres a shot of what I got at the moment :