Thursday, February 20, 2014

Internal Economy

Game Mechanics, Advanced Game Design
(E.Adams - J.Dormans )

Tangible Resources - Have a location or physical property within the game (Moved or Harvested)
Intangible Resource - Do not exist in a location or have a physical  property (Numbers or bars indicate)

Abstract Resources - Intangible
Concrete Resources - Tangible

 Some resources can appear to be abstract when they are in fact concrete (Experience, Happiness, Reputation in RPG's) - Appear intangible but are tangible

Entities - Stores resources (like a variable), Stores a specific amount of the resource E.g Time

Simple entities - one value (Wood, iron, gold)
Compound entities - group of related simple entities (Units with health, damage, defence etc)

Four Economic Functions
  • Sources
    • Create new resources out of nothing
    • At a certain time, or upon certain conditions, a source will generate a new resource
    • Triggered or continuous
    • Switched on and off
    • Proportional to other entities
  • Drains
    • Opposite of sources
    • Take resources out
    • Proportional to other entities
    • Does not go anywhere or turn into anything else (e.g Ammo)
  • Converters
    • Turn resources of one kind into another.
    • Harvesting (Tangible to Intangible)
    • Possible increase or decrease of conversion E.g Upgrades, De-buffs)
  •  Traders
    • Move a resource from one entity to another
    • Trades the values over but does not destroy either of them